Certified Teachers

With their specialized training, certified teachers empower students to reach their full potential. By upholding high standards of education, certified teachers shape the future leaders of tomorrow.

Special Education

Teachers use individualized strategies to address learning challenges, fostering a positive and supportive atmosphere for every student to thrive

Book & Library

Libraries are a treasure trove of diverse perspectives, enabling access to information and fostering a love for reading and lifelong learning.

Sport Clubs

Sport clubs provide a nurturing environment where individuals can develop their athletic skills, build teamwork, and foster a sense of camaraderie among members.


Shree Ram Public Higher Secondary School

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Shree Ram Public Higher Secondary School is an English Medium co-educational school at Shakoorpur, Ghaziabad. It goals at providing education of high quality, duly emphasizing physical, intellectual spiritual and emotional growth of its students. We not only prepares the students for examinations but also lays stress on the inculcation of high ideals, courteous, behaviour, good manners, etiquette and moral values in them.

The main motto of the school is to develop duty, discipline and excellence among its students, so that they turn out to be socially aware and responsible citizen. In a short span of time Shree Ram Public Higher Secondary School strength has reached manifold heights. We are strong of ever much students supported with the untiring efforts of our teachers and staff members. The main motto of the school is to develop duty, discipline and excellence among its students, so that they turn out to be socially aware and responsible citizen. In a short span of time Shree Ram Public Higher Secondary School strength has reached manifold heights. We are strong of ever much students supported with the untiring efforts of our teachers and staff members.

Mr. Sukhendra Kumar
(M.Com, L.L.B.)
Director's Message

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."

The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled. It gives me immense pleasure and a felling of accomplishment to address you as the principal of this prestigious school. We are committed to providing our students with a wide variety of opportunities in order to help them attain their highest potentials. We infuse the spirit of enquiry in our children which leads to experimentation and thus to invention. It is our earnest endevour to inculcate the social and moral values in our children so that they become responsible children of the country and are able to contribute their best towards the upliftment of the society and the masses in general. We enable them to bring out their best in a progressive and competitive environment in every field be it Academic, Sports or co-curricular activities. Outside the classroom, students also learn valuable lessons such as social skills, behaviourial etiquettes, work ethics and gaining a sense of achievement through our developing. Infra structural facilities and other resources like innovative teaching with modern teaching aids, facilities for students and a positive and comfortable environment with efficient faculty. We truly aim to empower each child to be a curious learner, critical thinker and forceful member of ever changing global society. We are constantly improving our teaching methodology so that it turns learning into combination of classroom study, research and scientific discovery. We are individuals who are blessings to their home, workplace and Society. Consistent support of parents is the most strengthening power which enable us to mould the future of children. I pay my gratitude to them for showing their continuous faith in us.

Ms. Bharti Tyagi
(M.A., B.Ed)
Principal's Message

With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you all to the school site of Shree Ram Public Higher Secondary School. To us education means all round development of human potential and personality physical, mental, moral and spiritual. Education paves the path to knowledge and knowledge leads to wisdom. Merit and excellence are our watch word and service to humanity is our motto. We strive to inculcate in our staff and students. A sound philosophy of life based on faith in God, respect for individuals, concern for the less privileged and ideas of truth and justice. From the time of inception the school has excelled in academics as well as co-curricular activities. The motto of our school is "YES WE CAN" to show that nothing is impossible if we put in our best.

What We Offered

Shree Ram Public Higher Secondary School is an English Medium co-educational school at Shakoorpur, Ghaziabad. It goals at providing education of high quality, duly emphasizing physical, intellectual spiritual and emotional growth of its students.

Safety First

Embrace a culture of safety first to ensure a secure and protected environment for everyone, fostering trust and confidence.

Certified Teachers

Certified teachers bring expertise and dedication to nurture a positive and stimulating learning environment and education.

Creative Lessons

Through creative lessons, educators can cultivate critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation among their students.

Sports Facility

Our state-of-the-art sport facility provides a top-tier space for athletes to train, compete, and excel in their chosen disciplines.

Regular Classes

Regular classes offer a structured and consistent learning environment, providing students with a steady progression of knowledge and skills.

Standard Syllabus

A standard syllabus sets a clear roadmap for the educational journey, guiding students through a comprehensive curriculum.

Academic Support

Academic support provides personalized assistance and resources to help students overcome challenges and excel in their studies..

Excellent Result

Excellent results are not only a testament to academic achievement but also signify personal growth and a pursuit of excellence in all endeavors.

Shree Ram Public Higher Secondary School

Cultural Programme

Separated they live in. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country


Separated they live in. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country